The Gender Gap in Skincare: Clean Skincare Brands Men will Actually Use


It’s no secret that most skincare brands tend to skew more towards a female audience. But unlike the cosmetics industry—which has seen a gradual push towards racial and gender inclusion, most skincare brands have yet to adopt that same mantra. Not everyone needs or wants makeup, but everybody has a face and should feel welcomed to taking the best care of it.

Most men have been introduced to skincare and the routines that come with them through their wives and girlfriends. Yet when they see the bright fluorescent packaging, and smell the highly fragranced contents of said packaging, they recoil in disgust and don’t give it a second glance. I don’t blame em, cause honestly that’s not for me either—at least the smell of it all. But there’s really no good reason as to why our male counterparts can’t revel in the excitement of finding a Holy Grail product, and raving about it to their boys in a group chat. Ok, maybe that last bit is a tad too ambitious but the first part is definitely plausible.

So we’ve rounded up a few male friendly brands that are both clean and minimal in terms of their products and effectiveness, but also in their packaging and aesthetic. Happy exploring guys!